Thursday, November 8, 2012

Copy Cat

The other day, my wife was downstairs in the kitchen I believe, and I was upstairs with my son. I started calling her name, ans she didn't respond, so I began to call louder, only to realize she had gone outside. Well, it wasn't a good two seconds later, that my son started calling her name! I wasn't aware that he was paying such close attention to what I was saying. It startled me at first, because I also didn't think that he could pronounce her name, but sure enough he was calling her name. After we laughed about it and moved on a couple of days later he started calling "mommy, mommy" and when she didn't respond, do you know what he did? he started calling her by her name again. I was astonished that he had remembered that! 

The next day, while riding to work, I really thought about it and it hit me....he was mimicking what I was doing......had I never yelled out her name, he would've never known it nor would he have used it! As Godly fathers, we must be careful of what we say and what we do...our children are very impressionable and the least little thing that you think they are not paying attention to, is the one that they are watching the most! 

Immediately, I began to think of some things, that I may have said before that I wouldn't want to hear him repeat and my prayer down the road quickly became "Lord guide my tongue that I only say those things that would please you, so that when my son hears them, he will be repeating Godly words." I never want to say anything around him, that would cause him to question my walk with God or my love for him. Furthermore, I was brought up in a home, where my parents didn't discuss adult matters around children(me) and I am always attempting to be watchful that I do the same. Some things children just don't need to know. They should be free to enjoy childhood and focus on what's important to them at that age...playing, school, cartoons, meeting reading goals and learning!

Also, I thought about the flip side of this.....I am God's child, and he is my I repeating what he is saying, which would be his word? Am I confessing his word over my life? Am I confident and believing when I confess it? When my son was calling my wife's name, he didn't do it with hesitation or reservation. He knew that if Daddy called Mommy by that name, than it was definitely her name. He never once questioned it or looked back at me as if to say "Are you sure that's her name?" He had confidence in what I said. As Godly fathers and husbands, we must have confidence in what God says about us and to us. Take God at his word!

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